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Hyperparameter Optimization with Optuna: Tips and Tricks

Introduction §

Is your machine learning model overfitting? Underfitting? Take a look at your hyperparameters! While parameters are fit from the data, hyperparameters are typically set by you. Hyperparameter optimization helps you find the best hyperparameters for your model.

Optuna is an easy-to-use hyperparameter optimization framework. It provides multiple methods of optimization including multivariate Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE) and Hyperband. Theoretically, they can be combined into Bayesian Optimization and Hyperband (BOHB). However, according to this post, due to implementation differences, combining them in Optuna doesn’t seem to improve results.

Optuna Tips and Tricks §

Optuna’s documentation is pretty good, so I’ll avoid redundantly posting the basics here. Instead I’ll show you some tips and tricks so you can get the most out of Optuna.

Multivariate TPE §

In order to use multivariate TPE, set the TPE sampler parameter multivariate to True:

study = optuna.create_study(sampler=optuna.samplers.TPESampler(multivariate=True))

Hyperband §

To use hyperband, set the pruner to the HyperbandPruner (and set your hyper-hyperparameters):

study = optuna.create_study(pruner=optuna.pruners.HyperbandPruner(
min_resource=1, reduction_factor=3

To get the most out of the hyperband pruner, read the documentation. Specifically, they recommend setting a larger number of trials or timeout.

Show Fewer Logs §

Running several rounds of hyperparameter tuning and seeing too many log messages? Just set your optuna.logging verbosity level:

if verbose:        

Initialize Study With Certain Values §

You can speed up hyperparameter tuning if you already know some good hyperparameter values. Just use the enqueue_trial function before running study.optimize(). For example, for a random forest classifier, you could use:

study.enqueue_trial({"max_depth": 10,
"n_estimators": 100,
"min_samples_leaf": 1,
"min_samples_split": 2,})
study.optimize(objective, n_trials=75)

After Optimization §

To get your best parameters back, just use study.best_params. Continuing from the previous example, to rebuild the Random Forest Classifier with the best parameters after hyperparameter optimization, use:

clf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=study.best_params["max_depth"], 

Save your study trials using trials_dataframe:

df = study.trials_dataframe()

Objective Function Choice §

For certain machine learning model implementations where you have less control over the optimizer (ex. sklearn’s Gaussian processes), one way to regain control is through setting your own loss/cost/objective functions. In this case you may find yourself optimizing the parameters, not necessarily the hyperparameters.

Reducing Overfitting §

For example, to reduce overfitting, you could use cross-validated scores in your Optuna objective function. One measure of overfitting is when the training score is much higher than the testing score. By setting the objective function to negative cross-validated test scores, you can regularize your model. Make sure you cross-validate only on the training set (splitting the training into more training and test sets) and not your final test set.

Another possibility is weighting the difference between cross-validated training scores and test scores vs the test score itself. For example, for accuracy scores, a possible objective function is

np.sqrt((mean_test - mean_train)**2) + 4 * (1 - mean_test)

In this case the RMSE of the difference between testing and training is weighted four times less than the test accuracy. You could make up your own objective functions, maybe using other metrics such as log loss instead. The possibilities are endless!

Posted: 2020-12-20
Modified: 2020-12-20